
Pop-up Footnotes

In EPUB 3 Flowing and Fixed Layout books, you can create pop-up footnotes by labeling footnotes with the appropriate epub:type values. You use two elements to create a pop-up footnote: an anchor ( <a> ) element that triggers the popup and the <aside> element that contains the footnote text. Both elements have an epub:type attribute to identify their purpose: epub:type="noteref" to trigger the popup and epub:type="footnote" to indicate the footnote’s text.     In the example below, the anchor element ( <a> ) has two attributes: epub:type="noteref" and a link that references the location of the element that contains the popup's text. The <aside> element that contains the popup's text also has two attributes: id="myNote" that matches the value of the href attribute in the link that references it epub:type="footnote" Because the <aside> element has an epub:type of footnote , the text is ...

epub 3 no longer support NCX

For navigation NCX is outdated but for backward compatibility it is used in epub or kindle ebook pack. epub v3.0 recommend inetrnal TOC as NCX for navigation. But for backward compatibility you can put ncx file in OPS directory. For this features you should design TOC by using OL tag. Nested ol tag makes navigation on or off... Structure of Internal Table of Contents: < html xmlns = ""        xmlns:epub = "" > < head >      < title >TOC Example</ title > </ head > < body > < section epub:type = "frontmatter toc" >   < header >          < h1 >Contents</ h1 >   </ header> <nav epub:type="toc" id="contents"> <h2 class="hcontents">Contents</h2> <ol> <li><a href="cover.xhtml">Cover</a></li...

MathMl binding in epub v.3 is not a typical element:

If you use this equation as such in your ebook than epub v3 allow you to use the capability of mathml in your source code with some recommendations: Recommendations: First you have to write the mathml code for this equation, for this Open Office Math editor is a good choice. Open it and write the code it is as easy as writing the sentence. Save this code as .mml , now it looks like as: <math xmlns="">  <semantics>   <mrow>    <mrow>     <mi>x</mi>     <mo stretchy="false">=</mo>     <mrow>      <mfrac>       <mn>6</mn>       <mi>y</mi>      </mfrac>      <mo stretchy="false">−</mo>      <mfrac>       <mn>5</mn>       <msup>  ...

eBook formats and reading devices

Digital version of a printed book which also consisting of text, images and can be read on a laptop, computer or a specifically designed handheld device. Now interactive e-books can be designed and produced for better user experience. “As most of the e-book readers are younger, so our responsibility is to provide digital content on such media devices which they like...” These are the formats used on the majority of eBook devices and sold by the major retailers Kindle Format: Amazon KF8 eBooks can be read on any of the Kindle devices and Kindle Apps. Kindle file extensions: .mobi , and .azw ePub The ePub standard is maintained by the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF), a non-profit organization. ePub files are natively reflowable. Amazon updated its KindleGen tool to better handle the automated conversion of ePub files. ePub file extension: .epub ePub3 is the latest version of the ePub format, and support HTML 5, CSS 3 and javascript for interactivity....

EPUB 3 Fixed-Layout Property - [rendition:layout]

Rendition Layout property [ rendition:layout ] Specifies whether the given Publication or spine item is reflowable or pre-paginated. Value reflowable | pre-paginated Usage 1 with meta element in <metadata> tag: When the rendition:layout property is specified on the Package Document meta element, it indicates that the paginated or reflowable layout style applies globally for all spine items. <metadata xmlns:dc="" xmlns:opf="">     <meta property="rendition:layout">pre-paginated</meta> </metadata> In this case, Reading Systems must produce exactly one page for all spine items when rendering. <metadata xmlns:dc="" xmlns:opf="">     <meta property="rendition:layout">reflowable</meta> </metadata...